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Month: May 2014

Death Racer WOD series – WOD #6

This week’s workout is great for building your endurance for  long mountain trail runs during the Peak Ultra. You will mainly be working out the legs focusing on the hamstrings, quads, and your glutes. You will be sweating after this intense workout.

Peak Death Race WOD #6
Michael McClean

Spartan Warm Up
Run 1 mile
100 squats w/sandbag throw-ups (3-10 sets of 10-30 reps)
5 minute chair with leg raises
5 minute high knee touches
100 lunges w/sandbag
Spartan Cool Down

Death Racer WOD series – WOD #5

This workout primarily focuses on your upper body. You will be mainly strengthening your shoulders, biceps and your lats. This workout could help you in the  death race with climbing or pushing objects.

Peak Death Race WOD #5

Andy Souvalian
Spartan Warm Up
3 sets of 3-5 ascents and descents
3 sets of 3-10 curls
3 sets of 10-30 push ups
Spartan Cool Down