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Month: June 2014

Death Racer WOD series – WOD #11

A full body workout for this week’s WOD. These work outs are a great and intense way to get ready for the death races coming up. Go Beyond Your Limits in this workout and you will see it pay off in the race.


Peak Death Race WOD #11
Christopher Fern

Spartan Warm Up
Run 1-3 Miles
(Repeat x 3)
5-20 Clean and Press (w/sandbag)
5-20 Man-maker (modified-burpee)
5-20 L-sit Pull ups
5-20 Weighted Side Lunge
Spartan Cool Down

Death Racer WOD series – WOD #10

This week’s WOD is a great workout to improve your explosion. It could be good prep for steep mountain pedaling in the  Peak Mountain Bike Race. This workout will give you the explosion needed to conquer that mountain.


Peak Death Race WOD #10
Seth Czarnecki

Spartan Warm Up
3 Rounds of 21-15-9 reps:
Sandbag Thrusters
Pull Ups
Spartan Cool Down

Death Racer WOD series – WOD #9

This week’s WOD is all about working your abdominal muscles out. These 4 exercises will help strengthen your core for those long Peak Ultra Runs. No time to waste, start working out.

Peak Death Race WOD #9
Sean Manning

Spartan Warm Up
Swim 1-2 miles (or run)
Perform for 30-120 seconds 2 to 3 times:
Scissor Kicks
Flutter Kicks
Hello Dollies
Leg Raises
Spartan Cool Down

Death Racer WOD series – WOD #7

Are you ready for a full body exercise? This week includes a bit of everything to jump start your day. Start with your upper body, working to your lower body and ending with your abdominal muscles.


Peak Death Race WOD #7
Dan Belcher

Spartan Warm Up
Pull ups
Push-ups with Knee Drive
Jumping Lunge
Side Planks, Each Side
Flutter Kicks
Spartan Cool Down