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Month: September 2014

Death Racer WOD series – WOD #24

Another week of testing your endurance. Jason puts you through three different exercises that work your entire body. If twenty minutes is to easy then maybe go for thirty or more.

Peak Death Race WOD #24
Jason Hummel

Spartan Warm Up
As many rounds as possible for 20 minutes:
5 pull­ups
10 hand release push­up
15 air squats
Spartan Cool Down

Death Racer WOD series – WOD #22

Yesel guides us through a tough leg workout. This will get you ready for those long peak snowshoe races. If you have the mental strength enough aim for a 100 reps of each. Good luck!

Peak Death Race WOD #22
Yesel Rarvizu

Spartan Warm Up
10-­100  Lunges with Tri Press
10­-100  Leg Raises
10­-100  Ab Twists
10­-100  Altered Leg Raises
Spartan Cool Down


Death Racer WOD series – WOD #21

For this week’s WOD your going to need a partner. This is going to take some teamwork and you will have to work together. Good Luck

Peak Death Race WOD #21
Darren Deheras + Edgar Landa

Spartan Warm Up
Partner Inverted Sit­up
Partner Incline Push­ups
Partner Decline Push­ups
Buddy Carry x 25 yards
Spartan Cool Down


Death Racer WOD series – WOD #20

Training for the Ultra peak race?  This week’s WOD is a perfect workout for training for that. Mostly lower body training for 30 straight minutes. Do you have the mentality and dedication to push yourself to the limits?

Peak Death Race WOD #20
Joshua Swink

Spartan Warm Up
5  Burpees
5  Squats
5  Push­up
5  Lunges
5  Jumping Squats
Repeat for 30 minutes
Spartan Cool Down