The Peak Races® series was created by ultra-athletes who wanted to wanted to turn coal into diamonds. To do that they developed insane ultra-endurance events here in central Vermont. We believe that completing these races will change your life.
The four races within Peak Races include the Snowdevil, a 100-mile snowshoe race at the end of February, the Bloodroot Ultra, a 500-mile trail race in early May (named after Bloodroot Mountain, where the course climbs 3,500 feet to the summit), the Woodsplitter, a cross-country mountain bike race in August that has a winner-take-all format for most laps completed in six hours of riding—and at the heart of Peak Races lies the fourth and final challenge: Death Race. And it’s exactly what it sounds like. Held in July, it doesn’t really have a distance “minimum” …or a discernible finish length.
“There’s nothing like this on the face of the earth,” said Peter Borden, event manager. What he was talking about was Peak Races, the events that formed the genesis of the Spartan brand. They are all the toughest, most extreme endurance events possible, and they are all located in Pittsfield, Vermont: literally Joe De Sena’s backyard.