The Camp Every Kid Needs - CAMP SPARTAN
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Death Racer WOD series – WOD #15

For this week’s workout you will need a partner. This is a perfect workout to get you ready for the team death race. Try to choose someone that is a similar size to you unless your looking for a challenge. Push your partner to the limit to get the most out of this workout.

Peak Death Race WOD #15
Melody Haz i+ Mark Webb

Spartan Warm Up
2 to 10-mile Group Trail Run with:
5-20 Buddy Carry
5-20 Partner Squats
5-20 Partner Push-ups
Perform 3 sets of each exercise
Spartan Cool Down


Death Racer WOD series – WOD #14

Time to buckle down and do some push ups. This week, Marshall gives us a wide variation of push ups to help strengthen multiple muscles. These different push ups will help strengthen your shoulders, triceps, abdominal, and pectorals muscles. How many can you do?

Peak Death Race WOD #14
Marshall Breite

Spartan Warm Up
5-20 Push-ups
5-20 Hands Free Push-ups
5-20 Wide Push-ups
5-20 Pike Push Ups
5-20 Dive Bomber Push-ups
5-20 Knuckle Push-ups
Spartan Cool Down

Death Racer WOD series – WOD #13

A lot of push and pulls this week to help strengthen your upper body. Great for those times you are either wrestling the bull in the traveling death race or helping your teammate get over a wall in the team death race.

Peak Death Race WOD #13
Shannon Francis

Spartan Warm Up
5-20 Pull-ups w/wide-front grip
5-20 Standard Push-ups
5-20 Pull-ups w/reverse-grip
5-20 Military Push-ups
5-20 Pull-ups w/closed-front grip
5-20 Wide-armed Push-ups
Spartan Cool Down

Death Racer WOD series – WOD #12

This is a great workout to test your limits just like the Warman Ride that Peak Races offer. This is a workout focusing on your core strength along with legs.

Peak Death Race WOD #12
Ted Coffin

Spartan Warm Up
5-20 Burpees
3x 1-minute of rocking
3x 1-minute of Superman to Banana
3x 1 minute Scorpion (each side)
5-100 Lunges
5-100 Backwards Lunges
Spartan Cool Down

Death Racer WOD series – WOD #11

A full body workout for this week’s WOD. These work outs are a great and intense way to get ready for the death races coming up. Go Beyond Your Limits in this workout and you will see it pay off in the race.


Peak Death Race WOD #11
Christopher Fern

Spartan Warm Up
Run 1-3 Miles
(Repeat x 3)
5-20 Clean and Press (w/sandbag)
5-20 Man-maker (modified-burpee)
5-20 L-sit Pull ups
5-20 Weighted Side Lunge
Spartan Cool Down

Death Racer WOD series – WOD #10

This week’s WOD is a great workout to improve your explosion. It could be good prep for steep mountain pedaling in the  Peak Mountain Bike Race. This workout will give you the explosion needed to conquer that mountain.


Peak Death Race WOD #10
Seth Czarnecki

Spartan Warm Up
3 Rounds of 21-15-9 reps:
Sandbag Thrusters
Pull Ups
Spartan Cool Down

Death Racer WOD series – WOD #9

This week’s WOD is all about working your abdominal muscles out. These 4 exercises will help strengthen your core for those long Peak Ultra Runs. No time to waste, start working out.

Peak Death Race WOD #9
Sean Manning

Spartan Warm Up
Swim 1-2 miles (or run)
Perform for 30-120 seconds 2 to 3 times:
Scissor Kicks
Flutter Kicks
Hello Dollies
Leg Raises
Spartan Cool Down

Death Racer WOD series – WOD #7

Are you ready for a full body exercise? This week includes a bit of everything to jump start your day. Start with your upper body, working to your lower body and ending with your abdominal muscles.


Peak Death Race WOD #7
Dan Belcher

Spartan Warm Up
Pull ups
Push-ups with Knee Drive
Jumping Lunge
Side Planks, Each Side
Flutter Kicks
Spartan Cool Down


Death Racer WOD series – WOD #6

This week’s workout is great for building your endurance for  long mountain trail runs during the Peak Ultra. You will mainly be working out the legs focusing on the hamstrings, quads, and your glutes. You will be sweating after this intense workout.

Peak Death Race WOD #6
Michael McClean

Spartan Warm Up
Run 1 mile
100 squats w/sandbag throw-ups (3-10 sets of 10-30 reps)
5 minute chair with leg raises
5 minute high knee touches
100 lunges w/sandbag
Spartan Cool Down

Death Racer WOD series – WOD #5

This workout primarily focuses on your upper body. You will be mainly strengthening your shoulders, biceps and your lats. This workout could help you in the  death race with climbing or pushing objects.

Peak Death Race WOD #5

Andy Souvalian
Spartan Warm Up
3 sets of 3-5 ascents and descents
3 sets of 3-10 curls
3 sets of 10-30 push ups
Spartan Cool Down


PEAK Mountain Bike VIDEO – Green Mountain Trails Pittsfield, Vermont.

Once a year Mountain Bikers and mountain loving athletes gather for the PEAK mountain bike race in Pittsfield Vermont.  Now we have a video!

Our own Green Mountain Trails (beloved by Death Racers, Ultra Runners, hikers, and hikers alike) were once dubbed the best kept secret in Vermont.  Sorry, we can’t keep them secret any longer.  At last count twenty miles balancing flowy, buffed and bermed track with hand built uber techy gnar leading to sublime vistas. There is 1000′ feet of vertical. It’s open 24/7, all year (except in the sensitive mud season) for mountain biking, trail running, snowshoeing and hiking. The system is scrupulously maintained by volunteers in the community.

Help us get the word out, about our trails and about this killer Mountain Bike Race.


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