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Natural Running Form – Tips on Efficient Running for Distance


We’re excited to announce that coaches Nate Helming and Kirk Warner from The Run Experience will be presenting two clinics at the 2017 Peak Ultra!  Visit our event page for details.


Getting Ready for the 500, 100, 50, 30 or even 10-mile run

No matter the distance, efficiency is key.  In this video Nate Helming shares 4 do’s and don’ts of  natural running form to help you begin to understand how to get your body to work for you on the trail.

We are all naturally inclined to run,  it’s human. You did it without a second thought as a child.  Remember – running is a natural thing.

4 Do’s and Don’ts

When you notice an issue, don’t fix technique in a vacuum, ask why your body has adapted to move in a negative way.  The Run Experience recommends a  top-down approach.  Posture and position are king (check out the quick posture drill in this video.)

Watch for:

  • Shoulder and arm swing.
  • How to avoid arching your back (& why.)
  • Pulling mechanics.
  • Foot strike. 

Want more?  Register for the 2017 Peak Ultra and we’ll get you set up with a free one-month subscription to The Run Experience and you can meet Nate and Kirk in person.



6 Tips for Your First Trail Run

Thinking about taking on the Peak Ultra?  This year ultra runner, coach and author of “The Ultra Mindset” Travis Macy will be joining us.  We have some amazing athletes this year taking on distances from 30 to 200 miles, but if your new to the sport you can join the fun with our 15 mile run.  This is an amazing opportunity to get a taste for the world of Ultra Running and Trail Running.  Join us Friday evening for the free Q&A with Travis and win one of the copies of his book we’ll be giving away at the race!

The Peak Ultra takes place on the beautiful Green Mountain Trails in Pittsfield, Vermont and in the Green Mountain National Forest.  This race is all about testing yourself and your limits.  No matter if you are a seasoned pro or new to ultra running, I think you’ll find Travis’ video helpful.

learn more about the Peak Ultra.

Death Racer WOD series – WOD #34

A full body workout that works all aspects of the body. You can make this as hard as you want with doing multiple sets of this. After all, the peak races are not easy so should your workout be easy? Good Luck!

Peak Death Race WOD #34

Michael Bingham

Spartan Warm Up
30 Bicycles
10 Squats
10 Push­ups
30 Leg Raises
10 Squats
10 Push­ups
Repeat as needed.
Spartan Cool Down


Death Racer WOD series – WOD #33

This week WOD is all about pushing yourself to the limit. Do as many can before you fail. Don’t cheat yourself and push yourself beyond the limits. It’s only going to make you better.

Peak Death Race WOD #33
Michael Pick

Spartan Warm Up
3 x Pull­ups to failure
3 x Push­ups to failure
3 x 10­-50 Walking Lunges w/sandbag
Spartan Cool Down


Death Racer WOD series – WOD #30

Lets have a little fun with this week’s WOD. Joshua Grant shows us some dance moves to really work on core strength. As many of our winter death racers know  dancing is an intense workout. Get dancing!

Peak Death Race WOD #30
Joshua Grant

Spartan Warm Up
Spartan WOD Focus:  Variations from Breakdancing
Spartan Cool Down


Death Racer WOD series – WOD #29

Another week of  endurance workouts.  You can always modify this workout,  substitute an exercise you like or maybe just to make it harder. Good luck and push yourself beyond your limits.

Peak Death Race WOD #29

Spartan Warm Up
Sets of 1,­2,­3,­4,­5,­6,­7,­8,­9,­10,­9,­8,­7,­6,­5,­4,­3­,2,1 for each of the
following exercises:
Pull ups
Push ups
Spartan Cool Down


Death Racer WOD series – WOD #28

Heather brings us this week’s WOD. We will mostly be focusing on our core and lower body. We want to push ourselves to the limits. Do as many as you can of one exercise before moving to the next.

Peak Death Race WOD #28
Heather Ferguson

Spartan Warm Up
10­-100 Step ups
10­-100 Tricep dips
10­-100 Squats
10­-100 Leg LIfts (standing)
10­-100 Modified Superman
10­-100 Leg Lifts (laying down)
10­-100 Scissor Kicks
10­-100 Transformers
Spartan Cool Down


Death Racer WOD series – WOD #27

Mike will take us through this weeks WOD. Pushing yourself to the full thirty reps is the best way to get the most out of this workout.


Peak Death Race WOD #27
Mike Baranowski

Spartan Warm Up
3 sets of 10-­30 of the following exercises:
Outstretched Diamond Push­ups
Knee Raise Pull ups
Spartan Cool Down


Death Racer WOD series – WOD #26

Are you ready to push yourself beyond your limits? This weeks WOD will mentally drain you but will help get you ready for the next death race.

Peak Death Race WOD #26
Erik Roslund

Spartan Warm Up
3­5 sets of 10­-50 reps of each of the following exercises:
Hanging Leg Raises
Sandbag clean and press.
Kettlebell Swings (w/sandbag)
Sandbag Squats, alternating shoulders
Box Jumps
(skip last exercise)
Spartan Cool Down


Death Racer WOD series – WOD #24

Another week of testing your endurance. Jason puts you through three different exercises that work your entire body. If twenty minutes is to easy then maybe go for thirty or more.

Peak Death Race WOD #24
Jason Hummel

Spartan Warm Up
As many rounds as possible for 20 minutes:
5 pull­ups
10 hand release push­up
15 air squats
Spartan Cool Down

Death Racer WOD series – WOD #22

Yesel guides us through a tough leg workout. This will get you ready for those long peak snowshoe races. If you have the mental strength enough aim for a 100 reps of each. Good luck!

Peak Death Race WOD #22
Yesel Rarvizu

Spartan Warm Up
10-­100  Lunges with Tri Press
10­-100  Leg Raises
10­-100  Ab Twists
10­-100  Altered Leg Raises
Spartan Cool Down


Death Racer WOD series – WOD #21

For this week’s WOD your going to need a partner. This is going to take some teamwork and you will have to work together. Good Luck

Peak Death Race WOD #21
Darren Deheras + Edgar Landa

Spartan Warm Up
Partner Inverted Sit­up
Partner Incline Push­ups
Partner Decline Push­ups
Buddy Carry x 25 yards
Spartan Cool Down


Death Racer WOD series – WOD #20

Training for the Ultra peak race?  This week’s WOD is a perfect workout for training for that. Mostly lower body training for 30 straight minutes. Do you have the mentality and dedication to push yourself to the limits?

Peak Death Race WOD #20
Joshua Swink

Spartan Warm Up
5  Burpees
5  Squats
5  Push­up
5  Lunges
5  Jumping Squats
Repeat for 30 minutes
Spartan Cool Down

Death Racer WOD series – WOD #19

This week’s workout is a pyramid. You start at 10 and work your way down to one. We had to add in burpees because we know everyone loves burpees. If you think starting at 10 is easy, then start at a higher number. Good luck.

Peak Death Race WOD #19
Leo Borak

Spartan Warm Up
10 burpees
10 push ups
10 sit ups
10 air squats
9 burpees
9 push­ups
1 burpee
1 push up
1 sit up
1 air squat.
Spartan Cool Down


Death Racer WOD series – WOD #18


Tyler is going to make you break a sweat today. This WOD gets you switching exercise to exercise. This will help you get your heart beat up. You can always work higher than 10 push ups, 25 sit ups and 5 pull ups. Just depends how far you push your own limits.

Peak Death Race WOD #18
Tyler Beresford

Spartan Warm Up
Increase or decrease each exercise by one multiple each round:
2 Push­ups
5 Sit­ups
1 Pull­up
4 Push­ups 10 Sit­ups
2 Pull­ups
10 Push­ups
25 Sit­ups
5 Pull­ups
Then work backwards.
Spartan Cool Down


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